Arizona Online Parenting Classes

Please select the county your case has been filed in to display the class(es) that most likely meet the requirements set forth by either the state of Arizona or the County Court.

DISCLAIMER: Online parent education classes are recognized within the state of Arizona by some County courts; however, if you are court ordered to take a co-parenting class, it is always best to verify approval of our classes with your county court of record to verify their acceptance of an online parenting class. Each state, county and individual judge may dictate different requirements.

Co-Parenting/Divorce Class, Arizona

There are 15 counties within the state of Arizona. Counties are responsible for all elections, property-tax collection, maintenance of public records such as deeds, and local-level courts within their borders, as well as providing law enforcement (through the county sheriff and sheriff's deputies) to areas that do not lie within incorporated cities. Our online Co-Parenting/Divorce class is a recognized resource in 6 counties within this state.

Although is currently set as active with various counties in Arizona at the discretion of the court as an online divorce parenting class resource in certain circumstances, please check your Counties, Court Administrator or Judge specific to your Family Law Case within Arizona to verify court acceptance of online parenting education as an option if you have been court ordered to take a co-parenting class.

Check With The Court

Our online divorce classes/parenting classes may be accepted in certain circumstances. It is always best to verify class acceptance with the Court Administrator or your assigned Family Court judge prior to attending any online parenting program.

Price Matching offers competitive pricing throughout the state of Arizona. If you find another approved online resource in your area that is less expensive, please let us know and we would be happy to honor that price as well.

Financial Assistance provides discounted programs to qualified parents. Complete our Financial Verification Form and one of our moderators will review your information and provide a response within two business days.

Did You Know?

Population: 7.2 million (2021)